“the entire world is becoming an archipelago” Edouard Glissant


40 milliseconds (2021) featured a live-stream of a complete maritime circumnavigation of Grand Cayman while non-stop drumming, charting a circumference through sound, engaging with the elusive boundaries between land and sea.

In his ongoing series of endurance drum performances by David Soin Tappeser, during which he sets out to test limits of perception, agency and energy. the first part of the series - 40 milliseconds (2020) - was realised within the framework of five million incidents, 2019-2020 supported by Goethe-institut / Max-mueller Bhavan in collaboration with Raqs Media Collective.

David Soin Tappeser is a drummer, composer and performance artist, based between London and New Delhi. He uses rhythm to bend, twist and manipulate time into something fluid, malleable and redemptive.